Every now and again I think way more than I should. I tend to try to figure too much out, make things more complicated then they really are, allowing myself to forget the simple way to see many things in life.
The convoluted way a majority look at our constitution considering it this incomplete, outdated document requiring updating to modern times. All those miss the very simple point our nation is founded on. Our LIBERTY is ABSOLUTE, given by God to all men. The constitution was only to LIMIT government.
It is through court rulings we allowed government to use the constitution to control PEOPLE and remove the controls placed on them. Now government leads the way saying the constitution should be updated and people buy this crap they are selling. They buy it because they have no clue what our constitution means or how our government is supposed to work. Government took that kind of learning away from education. Government doesn’t want you to know how things are supposed to work. If you did you would take our government back and return life to a time things were more simple and straight forward.
Nuclear war and World War 3 are major talking points today. People panic and believe what they are being told. World War 3 is being used to tell you to not vote for the person who is not me because they will lead you to World War 3. Then comes the nuclear talk, but always it is the country that is not mine that will use them.
Facts, you elected your government leaders in the United States. You are at the mercy of every government leader out there on if and when they will enter a bigger war and if and when nuclear weapons are used. Those decisions are not yours to make, it is the decision of the leaders you elected to make. You gave that decision to them and now you fear they will actually make it? No, not your elected official but some other official in some other country will do it first.
I have no control over what war the U.S. will decide to enter next; I have no control over who or when someone may decide to use nuclear weapons. I know in both choices I am at the mercy of those who are in office. If and when it comes I will be at the mercy of where it happens, how things spread and how once again government leaders respond. I cannot change this, I can only pay attention and be as prepared to do what I can for me and those in my life. The rest I can pray.
I learned a long time ago, we are where we should be at precisely the time we are supposed to be there. We meet people when we are needed to meet them and they remain in our lives for however long they are supposed to be in our lives. Once you think in these terms you see more clearly how everyone and everything is connected and once you see that you can never lose hope.
Many things in life are simple and timeless. Our constitution and government is simple and timeless. What is out of date are the people. They are out of date with how things are supposed to work here in the U.S. They are out of date realizing we are a REPUBLIC and not a democracy. They are out of date realizing we the people are our government. They lost understanding the only way government can get money is to take money from the people. They forget money is finite, each only has so much and each can only afford to give so much.
We need to break it back down to the simple words we have in our constitution. The timeless piece of paper that restricted government and boldly proclaimed our liberty is ABSOLUTE!