Tired of Lies People Believe

I do not provide a lot of sources to my writing. Not because sources are not available, I chose to omit sources and when I do it is typically in PDF version due to how many things mange to go into the internet nether regions to never be found again. Today you cannot even trust Way Back Time Machine or other internet archival websites; they to have been proven to delete the historical content.

Most importantly I chose to not provide sources because I want YOU to research and think for yourself. I give only an opinion, a different way to looking at the problems we face. I am not the end all, do all answer and I am well aware of that. Hell, I often cannot get 10 people to agree with that I think. But I also do not share to get you to agree with me. I share to get you to realize your solutions do not work for everyone and your way of thinking is not ever going to be how everyone else thinks. You just believe that is going to be the case.

RFK Jr’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan has hinted they may drop out of the race and support Donald Trump. Since then Trump has indicated he would consider giving RFK Jr. a spot in his administration if he does that. Both candidates lied to your face and are now flaunting those lies.

RFK Jr. ran saying he wants to return government to the government in the days of his Dad, Robert F. Kennedy and his Uncle John F. Kennedy. Yet, now he says he will support Trump. Throughout his campaign he said the only way to fix our country was to return to our roots, to go back to a time there were not so many alphabet soup agencies. Trump wants a different kind of government and does not want to return to those roots.

Both ran campaigns saying how the other was evil and did not deserve to be president and now suddenly with a cabinet position on the table Trump is with what RFK Jr. stands for? Trump even said he likes RFK Jr. Funny throughout the campaign cycle I cannot find one instance where Trump indicated he liked RFK Jr. or RFK Jr. said he felt Trump was the best candidate. NO! Nicole Shanahan come out saying the are considering it to help make sure Kamala Harris is not elected. If this is their reason they are traitors to the United States and everything they said they stand for.

Lies do not stop with Trump and Kennedy. Harris, Biden, Haley, none of them are exempt from telling you lies. Harris says she support workers and EV cars. Yet the day after the president of the United Auto Workers announced they would be supporting Harris, GM announced they would be letting go of 100 union member programmers with 600 of them coming from Michigan. Why the cut, because they are pulling back from EV cars and are reducing the requirement of so many programmers. Yet didn’t the UAW president say Harris would support and back them?

They all lie. For decades politicians have only lied what they would do. Remember Obama with Obamacare “YOU CAN KEEP YOUR DOCTOR!”, so how did that work out for you? For me, I don’t know the last time I have had a consistent doctor. Every time my company changes insurance I have a different network and have to find a different doctor. At the VA, hell I don’t even have a doctor but an LPN because the VA has reduced hiring doctors. How about how Obamacare would reduce your cost of insurance and healthcare. How has that worked out for you? Me, I have a 20,000 deductible before my insurance pays one dime. Before Obamacare I had a 8,000 deductible and my insurance paid 80% up until my deductible was met. Today they pay nothing until the full 20,000 is paid out of pocket by me first. Yet premiums have continued to increase.

How about climate change. Surely there are already millions more jobs in this field and for your EV car they charge in 5 minutes and you can move freely like you can with gas powered cars. No, then another lie.

They lie about the state of the economy. Surely you believe inflation has nothing to do with retail stores taking in more money whereby the government then boasts the economy is strong. Reality check, yes retailers are making more money in what they take in; profits for them are down and expense for your is up. Sure if you paid $2.00 for something three years ago and today you are paying $4.00 for that same item, retail did bring in more money, but they did not sell as much and the cost of them selling the product is higher. That is the reality. I mean no way can retail be up 15% while my cost is up 30% and the retailer selling the same number of items; they are selling less. The economy is down.

How about how the economy is up, yet consumer debt is at an all time high. Surely that is the sign and reality of a strong economy.

Yet people believe these lies even when they know they are lies but will not accept reality.

Jobs, I know those are way up and Biden fixed it. Reality, no they are not up. A smaller number of working people have taken a second and/or third job to pay bills. Some have taken multiple part time jobs to make up for the full time job they lost. How about those not on. unemployment and the ones they say are “no longer looking for work”. Because they are no longer looking they are not counted; yet these people are not counted as unemployed. Many have given up because they are not able to find jobs due to jobs not being there.

But a majority are incapable of handling what is reality. You know, the same old crap, if I don’t believe reality than what I believe becomes reality. Bullshit. That is defined by me as “willful ignorance”.

Intelligence, how we learn and understand something is biological. Knowledge and not learning is willful ignorance. It isn’t you can’t learn it; you refuse to learn it.

We are lied to everywhere we turn. Government at all levels, corporations, etc. they want you to remain ignorant, after all this way you continue going deeper in debt to afford to live, they continue to make money and get you to without thinking increase your debt to live.

JD Vance in his book says he lived the American Dream. Bullshit. Yale was never my dream and in every generation I’ve lived through college was not part of the American Dream. If you believe this it is another area you choose ignorance. The American Dream was always a home and land with work to pay the bills; nothing more; nothing less. College was what they called a BONUS, but living always came first.

But they lie about the American Dream today too. The majority cannot and will never afford a house; they educated you to not really want a family anymore; and drove you to think the massive expense of college is the only way to succeed. More lies and bullshit. College graduates cannot afford homes today and many cannot even find jobs matching their degree.

So yes, I am tired of all the lies and people who believe them. Until you can talk freely, share opinions and ideas you are NEVER going to live the American Dream or have the LIBERTY given in by God and insured by our constitution.