Trump has become a joke as big as democrats with how he is turning more left on many policies.
Yesterday Trump announce he would push for either GOVERNMENT FUNDED or MANDATORY INSURANCE payment of IVF treatments. Currently these treatments cost between $12k and $17k and with government or insurance payment mandatory that cost will quickly triple, even quadruple. There will me a high number of new people seeking IVF treatment simply because they can now as payment by others now means they can afford what their budget cannot.
Government is BROKE and even though our politicians do not realize this feeling they can just simply keep printing the money they don’t have; which in turn has already created massive inflation that Harris is more than willing to tell you is controlled and down. She can because you simply cannot accept there is now way inflation is at 3% when you grocery bill is up 30%.
2024.08.30-Trump-Announces-Bold-New-IVF-Policy-Government-or-Insurance-Company-to-Cover-All-Costs-for-Aspiring-The-Gateway-PunditWe created Obamacare or under the law the Affordable Care Act. Instantly we saw insurance prices increase, less access to care providers we want. More forced changing to in-network providers as insurance companies at will change their networks. We saw massive increases in deductibles allowing the insurance company to not pay a dime until we cough up $10k or more. Add it up people, $40k per year after taxes is about $28k; now deduct $10k for health coverage and you now have $18k to live on. If you are a family to two the reality is you are below the poverty line of $20k.
This plan will either cause more taxes if government is paying for it or higher insurance rates, increased deductibles, etc. if insurance if forced to pay for it. If both combine to pay for it then we will see insurance and taxes increases.
Money DOES NOT grow on trees. Printing it only floods the market and reduces the value of the dollar, causing more inflation. We all should know this about what is happening and yet so few really do.
Clearly with all this claimed statement by Trump his latest being Kennedy and him were the most anti-establishment in team in history. Really, paying for IVF whether paid for by insurance or government is BIGGER GOVERNMENT. Bigger government IS NOT anti-establishment. For God’s sake Trump you are completely incompetent in supporting your so called agenda to solve this nations problems.
I am all for IVF treatment for couples who have problems with child conception and birth. However, I am not willing to pay for services they need. There is nothing there other than my having less money being gained for me.
Then Trump did not stop there as he said he would give major tax breaks to those having a child. HELL NO!!! Already a small percentage of citizens pay the majority of the tax bill. Typically those who are actually paying taxes are in an income bracket they can afford to pay for their own IVF services. This will increase the number of people who do not pay anything towards the tax bill going to have children and increase the burden of taxes on those of us who actually pay a tax every year.
What the hell happened to Trump? Who is this person claiming to be anti-establishment and then giving away socialized medical treatment? I don’t hear Trump talking about eliminating any current government agencies as he says we need smaller government. Yet he will say we need smaller government and then give you a plan the increases the size of government.
Really are voters this ignorant by choice or are the under some kind of spell with Trump? Clearly it must be one of the two as he double talks everything he says, even brags about ways to increase government and then there are those who follow Trump falling on their knees screaming how GREAT Donald Trump is.