
Saturday, 20 July 2024 ex-president Donald Trump when speaking to a crowd in Pennsylvania, comes out saying “I took a bullet for democracy.”

It takes a lot to get my skin to crawl but the current state of the politics in the United States is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl if they actually understand what our government is and how it is REQUIRED to function to survive.

The United States of America is NOT a democracy; it is a REPUBLIC! Not I expect a majority today to have the slightest clue what is different between these two forms of government. They both offer free elections by the people to elect others to represent them. Okay congratulations you managed to describe only how representatives are elected, the act of election is not the PURPOSE of the government or how the government relates to the people.

Often people think I am way to bull headed in making the distinction and yet it is there for everyone to know in our Constitution and the Federalist Papers. Even Merriam-Webster does a lousy job of making the clear distinction between these two forms of government. Yet, in the Federalist Papers you would discover our founders clearly knew the difference and chose to give us a republic form of government over a democracy form.

Before I get into educating some on this distinction I do have to point out Donald J. Trump DID NOT take a bullet for anything. Donald J. Trump is only using that event to bring up his name and pull the wool further over the sheeple that follow him. He hasn’t even learned it is the rhetoric of both parties, the violence in their communication to the people and each other that allowed the attempted assassination to happen in the first place.

In the United States we have been quite shielded from political violence, after all our constitution was created with centuries of living hostile takeovers of various forms of government. Civil wars were the cause of such because people in those countries cannot change their government without violence. So the constitution was given in a way people could elect new representatives when they disliked the direction the government was going. Yet today people continue to elect leaders who continue taking us the wrong way.

Democracy is government with the purpose of only what the masses desire. A government designed for the masses and nothing else. Republics are designed for LIBERTY to be first in all that is done. Liberty of the PEOPLE and not the masses. This is a very clear distinction between these two forms of government and the roles they are to play in governing the people.

Because you do not know the difference between these forms of government does not change it is what the United States government is founded on. The masses in believing we are a democracy and the minority should bow down to whatever the majority wants does not make the United States a democracy. It makes a PEOPLE who are WILLINGLY giving up all LIBERTY to satisfy the so called masses. Should we keep heading down this road, should the United States not return to the REPUBLIC as it was founded, there will be major consequences down the road.

Those consequences will be another civil war. It will be started from people who believe the side with the most munitions will prevail. To them I strongly suggest reading history as often it was the less well equipped who wins civil wars. The War of Independence, fought against the strongest nation in the world at the time; won by criminals they did not want in England. People who wanted a new life and did not have the munitions or money England had; yet England lost and gave us our independence.

Everything in life should teach everyone a very simple and clear lesson. Everything is NOT as you see it, everything changes in a flash, and not always is the survival of the fittest. But NO ONE can save the United States until the LEARN who and what the United States is supposed to be.