Marjorie Taylor Greene is the featured image for today’s post simply because she is the most prominent member of the house pushing a conspiracy on everything happening today.
Clearly the year 2024 will go down in history as the year of conspiracies. We already had the conspiracies surrounding the Donald Trump “assassination” attempt only to be greeted yesterday with the conspiracy theories how the democrats pulled off coup against Joe Biden; how currently they demand “proof of life” on a sitting president because they have not seen a picture of him in five days.
How can anyone in the United States not be panicking over how we have truly become a third world country. How everything we see today the founding father’s of the constitution warned us would happen if we the people of the United States did not remain responsible guardians of our liberty given. The very thing they talked about in the Federalist Papers has been unfolding for decades right before our eyes with more being exposed annually how political parties have circumvented the republic, now leaning to democratic and soon to be full out dictatorship. All of these warnings were in front of everyone in 1787 and yet today in 2024 everyone is blind to what we see is happening and much has already happened.
The most prominent example one can use is passage of the Patriot Act in 2001 after the events of 9/11. Add to that judicial rulings allowing the U.S. government to collect data on U.S. citizens without a warrant. Anyone with any literacy skills can read the fourth amendment. The fourth amendment was ratified in 1791, having been introduced in 1789, just two years after the constitution. The fourth amendment states
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized.
Edward Snowden released proof of the government collecting detailed information on phone calls, emails, internet searches, internet traffic on United States citizens all without warrant, all without probable cause and all unknown to he citizens. Yet, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled this was allowable under the constitution because it was only “metadata”. Unknown to the general public was that metadata contains everything they need to know about the people and what was said during any phone conversation including where the people are located.
Rather than citizens doing what is required as a steward of our government and vote out of office any politician who voted to approve this piece of legislation, or after details were given; failed being citizens. They agreed to allow the government to violate the their fourth amendment right. Every airport checking each and every passenger willingly gives up their fourth amendment right to board a plane. Both people and their possessions are illegally searched as there is no warrant and there is no probable cause. People accept this only because they demand they have the “right” to fly. Yet, nothing in the constitution pertains to methods of travel being a right.
Today they jump on it and allow Artificial Intelligence programs to collect everything they do and say. Microsoft and Apple are embedding AI into their operating systems, email programs, even at work they now use Fantom, an AI meeting recording software that records all video and voice of meetings and then spits out a so called meeting minutes.
People say this is okay? I know the company collecting it says don’t worry we take your privacy seriously. What the hell kind of joke are these ignorant people think this is. I use ignorant because ignorance is a choice; not a condition. You chose to remain ignorant because you refuse to educate yourself. These very people watched as CrowdStrike and Microsoft took down the world by pushing out an update to billions of computers. AT&T has a recent data breech where every customer was compromised with their personal and banking information. But yet it is “okay” AI companies store everything you say, search, type because they will keep it safe? There is no other word to use for these people than ignorant. The proof is there and they refuse to accept it or research it to learn.
Talk about conspiracies, if you think AI is evil you are a conspiracy theorist. Yet, those who say democrats pulled off a coup against Joe Biden are realists? Those who say wait there was more than one shooter, the CIA was involved aren’t conspiracy theorists?
Yes, many do often consider me a conspiracy theorist. However, they cannot handle my conspiracy theories due to them being bound to facts and conclusions of a much bigger picture than AI, Biden or Trump. Those are minor parts of the whole and if people stopped and looked around they would see that.
Today we the United States are officially a third world country, third world and yet claimed to be the most educated, richest and strongest military in the world. And still citizens cannot see how we are third world with our government institutions. Think of when you heard or can document in history when the United States had a political coup. I can think of only one, and that is the current conspiracy theory of the coup against Joe Biden.
When was the last time you saw an assassination attempt on a political candidate? I also cannot recall one until Trump.
We have politicians pushing how rigged our election process is, that political figures are trying to assassinate political opponents; and now a political coup. And I haven’t even started down the conspiracy of World War 3.
Easily I could write a book on the failing of the United States citizens to do what is required for us to keep our republic and our liberty. Maybe volumes how this has happened throughout the years and was planned from the very start in changes to education.
Where do they teach in any education for children the constitution? Bill of Rights? Where have they read the 85 Federalist Papers?, the papers giving the best insight of what our founders saw and meant with the constitution they created. Where are they taught what was meant by the any of the amendments? Why were they created? What those who founded this nation saw and lived for centuries before creating the United States of America? Where was anyone taught the people are the government and the people have responsibility as citizens to keep our government in check with our constitution and liberty?
To all of those questions I hear church mice, nothing said, nothing done, nothing taught and nothing they did to learn. Chosen ignorance because the information and details are all there, it is available for everyone without a massive cost. If our education doesn’t teach you these things it doesn’t mean you don’t need to know these things. It means you MUST educate yourself and refuse to accept they won’t teach you. But I am also sure as in generations past, people will choose to remain ignorant while asking government to fix their problems, until one day they wake and find the United States of America is no longer their country.