This is Maga…

Here we go. Trump says we are going to get out all the bad immigrants and bring in thousands of “good immigrants”. This was on Saturday, 19 August 2024 in PA. Of course you have to look for this clip as most will not report on it for a few days when Harris’ campaign takes […]

Blizzard Season 5 Disasters

Imagine running the capstone dungeon in the Fractured Peaks, pushing to get to World Tier 3, when suddenly you find yourself with one opponent remaining that is so well hidden you cannot find them, you cannot see them, you cannot attack them; yet a ghost of one you already killed is there hitting you and […]

Season 5 Diablo 4

After two days of playing Season 5 I have to ask myself did we leave season 3 behind; really at best it is reskinned Season 4. Hell Tides is the theme once again, for the second season in a row. Same old hordes, same old hag in the middle of two areas hell tide is […]

Blizzard’s Diablo 4

When I started writing again it was with the goal of impressing no one and remains the case today. However, I also stated a goal I would write opinion not caring about our environment today, the touchy feeling aspect drives me out of my mind. Opinions do not tell you my ethics in business and […]