I’ve not seen a more sloppy release of code in many years as Sencha release GA Rapid Ext JS 1.0 on 27 August 2024. So riddled with bugs I have been unable to create a new project on either Windows 11 or Mac OS 14.6.
I was not able to attempt to use the newly release tool until today where I first installed in on my Mac Studio. I choose starting here as in the past Rapid worked best in this environment during the development as I tested various progressions throughout the development cycle. How quickly hopes can be dashed.
I removed the old version then installed the new one. Immediately I was greet with the following error.

Another MVP shared this link with me. I followed what was there and for the second time I attempted to create a new application using Rapid Ext JS. Suddenly I was greeted with the following error.

Notice error of not being able to find /node_modules/. Yes there is more, however the current state of this project creation only has two files, package.json and webpack.cong.js along with a ./cache directory. That is it, nothing else. Yet in the first attempt there exists the directory as expected along with the rest of what should be considered a valid Rapid Ext JS project. Yet the fix installed nothing?
Also notice if you follow the link the troubleshooting information is from Rapid Ext JS 0.2; this was a development version very early in the process. Now Sencha released a commercial version with a bug that has been known for more than a year and has not yet been resolved? Really where is the quality in development and good issue tracking of known bugs?
Earlier today Sencha removed download of Rapid Ext JS from the Support Portal due to the number of issues being reported. At the time of this writing I am not sure when it will be available again, although I am not so certain they will have the issues fixed when they do.
Yes, I am writing about the negative release of their Rapid Ext JS. Risky as an MVP because it is negative. However, we need to start pushing back on Sencha. It is okay to request we are nothing but good voices of Sencha whereby normally I can wholeheartedly agree. However, with the number of issues I have encountered in my work with Sencha products for my employer, in my own business and as an MVP; the shear number of hours I’ve spent debugging and working with Sencha on quality, to realize this kind of release is quite the slap in the face.
Currently I utilize three licenses of Sencha products, MVP, my company AniMap and my employer. Two are fully paid Enterprise subscriptions. As paying customers we must demand better. Flaws like this cost us money in fixing issues created with sloppy work we pay to use. Time is lost debugging, working with Sencha engineers and then reverting code often losing hours of work in the process of it all.
Sencha has been given ample time to fix internal issues causing the problems I write about. Years of being quiet has changed nothing. Maybe finally opening communication with honesty will.